Major European telecoms companies, such as Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Altice Labs and others, have collaborated in the development of the reTHINK framework, enabling a new approach to [...]
On 27 May 2017, reTHINK partners INESC-ID and AlticeLabs organized a developer competition at startup incubator Techtris House in Lisbon, Portugal. The goals of the competition were to promote [...]
In a reTHINK webinar on 21 June 2017, reTHINK project coordinator Anastasius Gavras from Eurescom GmbH, Germany, presented the framework for decoupling identity and service developed by Horizon [...]
The 26th edition of EuCNC, the European Conference on Networks and Communications in Oulu, Finland, is focused on communication networks and systems. From 12 to 15 June 2017, the event will [...]